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So far Client has created 97 blog entries.

Commemoration Day

Commemoration Day On Commemoration Day, November 30th, the GISAD community pauses to honor the brave souls who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our beloved UAE. We take this moment to reflect on their courage and dedication, expressing our deepest gratitude to them and their families. Their strength and sacrifice remain a lasting inspiration.

Career Night at GISAD

Career Night at GISAD On November 19th our Grades 10–12 had the incredible opportunity to explore the world of exciting careers! During inspiring talks students gained valuable insights into professions in fields such as medicine, science, business, and engineering. Questions about degree programs, career prospects, and personal pathways were thoroughly addressed—an important step toward

Odd Socks Day at GISAD

Odd Socks Day at GISAD November 15th was colorful and fun at the German International School Abu Dhabi – we celebrated Odd Socks Day! With mismatched socks, creative combinations, and lots of joy, we showed that it’s okay to be different and that our differences make us unique. Together, we made a statement for

Latern Crafting in Kindergarten

Latern Crafting in KindergartenToday, we hosted a creative parent-child lantern crafting event in kindergarten for our upcoming Lantern Festival on November 11th!With colorful paper, glue, and lots of enthusiasm, unique lanterns were created that our little ones will proudly display at the festival. This shared crafting experience not only builds anticipation but also strengthens our

Pink Day at GISAD

Pink Day at GISAD Today, we made a powerful statement together! On Pink Day, kindergarten kids, students, teachers, and the entire team came together in pink to raise awareness for breast cancer. It was amazing to see so many smiling faces dressed in pink and to witness how we stood united as a community

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